November 8th in Aalborg, Denmark, free of charge to participate

The City of Aalborg and Aalborg University (Centre for Mobilities & Urban Studies) welcome all interested parties – researchers, practitioners and public, to a one-day PHYSICAL workshop focusing on imagining future automated mobilities as part of the Interreg project ART-Forum.

Building on insights from keynotes by Dr. Jack Stilgoe, Professor Glenn Lyons and Associate Professor Ditte Bendix Lanng, the workshop will introduce conceptual and theoretical tools, and the discussions of the day will target four main questions:

  1. System level: How does the technology function as infrastructure?
  2. Community level: How does the technology connect to communities (“Commoning”)?
  3. Individual level: How does the technology fit into everyday life and ways of using it?
  4. Strategic level: What are the future implication for policy and planning?

The workshop takes place at the venue of a pilot with a self-driving bus in the eastern part of Aalborg (Denmark) on November 8th from 9.30 and ending with a conference dinner at 17.30. It is free of charge to participate.

To register – please sign up her:



9.30 Registration and coffee
10.00 Introduction

Professor Ole B Jensen, Aalborg University and Head of Mobility Mette Skamris, City of Aalborg

10.15 The myth of the autonomous vehicle

Dr. Jack Stilgoe, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Science & Technology Studies, Faculty of Maths

10.50 Autonomous Vehicles and Possible Implications for Issues of the Car-based City

Ditte Bendix Lanng, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Urban Design and Mobilities, M.Sc. Urban Design, Centre for Mobilities & Urban Studies, Aalborg University

11.35 Scenario planning in practice – the Driverless Cars Emulsion initiative (virtual presentation)

Professor Glenn Lyons, Professor of Future Mobility, Centre for Transport & Society, University of the West of England

13.00 WORKSHOP – Working with scenario and decision-making
15.00 Summing up on scenario work


16.00 Reception, networking and learning from Aalborg´s test of an autonomous bus

Here you have the chance of getting a ride with the bus and hear the stories and findings from the project.

Maria Vestergaard, Project manager at City of Aalborg

17.30 Conference dinner