City of Bremen
Which are the organisation’s thematic competences and experiences relevant for ART-Forum?
The Ministry of the Environment, Urban Development and Transportation of the City of Bremen is the local authority responsible for transportation planning and sustainable mobility measures. The organisation has many innovative and best practice examples to share with other nations and organisations. Michael Glotz-Richter has been involved in expert networks regarding autonomous and automated transport for several years, including the OECD International Transport Forum and EU DG Research STRIA on connected and automated transport (CAT). The City also hosts its own test applications on automated transport (e.g. AO-Car project) and expects to profit from the inspiration and expertise provided by other organisations in the area of automated road transport and futureoriented transport policies.
What is the main role in ART-Forum?
The City of Bremen will be lead beneficiary in this project, responsible for project management and coordinating communication activities, organising joint events and workshops. The City of Bremen will be one of the main communicators in the project and liaison between vital policy groups such as the European Commission and North Sea Commission and organisations carrying out in-depth research, and events on automated road transport such as the OECD International Transport Forum and UITP. Bremen is an exchange hub with many external organisations world-wide, which are expected to contribute to state-of-the-art knowledge in the project.
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