West Yorkshire Combined Authority
United Kingdom (England)
Which are the organisation’s thematic competences and experiences relevant for ART-Forum?
West Yorkshire Combined Authority is the Local Transport Authority for West Yorkshire – representing the local authorities of Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield – and leads on strategic economic growth on behalf of the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership. The Combined Authority is developing a Future Mobility Strategy for the region to demonstrate how Future Mobility and new technology, such as Connected and Autonomous vehicles, can help achieve the Region’s key objectives. Connected and autonomous vehicles provides West Yorkshire with an opportunity to help realise the priorities of the region’s Strategic Economic Framework, Transport Strategy 2040 and Local Industrial Strategy through improved connectivity, integration of services, and offering sustainable alternatives to the private car use that support the behaviour change needed for significant model shift.
What is the main role in ART-Forum?
West Yorkshire Combined Authority will collaborate with the Robert Gordon University and German Aerospace Center (DLR) in testing different scenarios of AV adoption through computer simulation. The Combined Authority will also seek to consider and develop policy recommendations for CAV integration in different contexts. The Combined Authority will lead workshops to test scenario and lead on collaborative work to develop the business case for CAV investment, including understanding socio-economic condition in which AV will support wider policies and objectives.
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