Mobile Zeiten
Germany – Oldenburg
Which are the organisation’s thematic competences and experiences relevant for ART-Forum?
Mobile Zeiten’s (MZ) thematic priority is integrated public transport and its practical relevance, especially in spatial areas. Additionally, MZ is very experienced in implementing innovative projects in the field of automated transport. MZ has played decisive roles in diverse projects initiated by, among others, the federal ministry for the environment, nature conversation and nuclear safety as well as the federal ministry of transport and digital infrastructure. On-demand-solutions are another focus of MZ.
What is the main role in ART-Forum?
MZ will investigate the feasibility of autonomous mobility in public transport. The question of how the public transport sector will benefit from digitalisation, particularly focussing on practical relevance, will be analysed. Furthermore, planning-related realisation will be examined. Pertinent parameters will be worked out, determining factors will be introduced and an evaluation scheme will be developed. The objective is to create an applicationoriented, transferable planning-tool.
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