Could autonomous vehicles help cities to tackle transport evils? Are automated vehicles part of the solution? The answers to these and other questions on the complex topic of automated road transport were elaborated and discussed during the project.
Detailed policy recommendations, reports and studies from the ART-Forum partners you can find here!
Automated Road Transport Forum for the North Sea Region (ART-Forum)
Shared Connected and Autonomous Vehicles – Opportunities for West Yorkshire
The Future of Public Transport – Automated Vehicles as Part of the Solution? Situation Analysis
Preparing Communities for Automated Public Transport – Roadmap
Machbarkeitsstudie zum hochautomatisierten Fahren im öffentlichen Straßenpersonennahverkehr (ÖPNV) in der Hansestadt Bremen
Could Autonomous Vehicles Help Cities Tackle Transport Evils and Accelerate the Transition to Sustainable Mobility?
Pathway to Participation in Autonomous Transport City of Mechelen
Conversion of services on A65 to CAV – Project Report (V1.0)
Automated Vehicles and Vessels Roadmap for Orkney
A Qualitative Study of a Trial with Driverless Shuttles in Aalborg East
A.R.T YOU READY? – Towards a society on which autonomous vehicles are deployed sustainably
Transport Policy – Automated shuttles and negotiation in motion – an inductive study of interactions with human road users
Planning a ‘race for automation’? A Social Science approach to Automated Vehicle experiments in Europe
Folding and Unfolding the Smart City – encounters, quirks and tics
Being there: capturing and conveying noisy slices of walking in the city
Automated Vehicles and Valet Parking: The Game Changer for the future of residential areas?
Partner Summaries
Mobilizing a district with ART – meeting between place, humans and technology
Transporting people and parcels autonomously on public roads
From ART-Forum to Columbuss
Digital regulation of the connected and automated vehicles of the future
Optimally Extending Public Transport with New AV-Serviced Routes
Can autonomous vehicles improve the quality of life? – A simulation study
Designing future urban scenarios of autonomous mobility
Preparing Public Transport for Autonomous Vehicles
Automation offers more than driverless cars – short-term contribution to sustainable mobility
If AVs are the solution, then what is the problem?
The ART of students’ involvement in the (automated) future of mobility
Involving citizens and experts in the debate about sustainable shared and autonomous mobility