
Art-Forum: Logo Bremen

City of Bremen

The Free Hanseatic City of Bremen is a city-state in the north of Germany with a population of over 565,000 inhabitants. The Ministry for Climate Protection, the Environment, Mobility, Urban and Housing Development is the Lead Benificiary of ART-Forum. The organisation has many innovative and best practice examples to share with other nations and organisations.

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Art-Forum: Logo Allborg Kommune

Aalborg Kommune

Aalborg Municipality is located in the Northern Region of Denmark. The municipality is the third largest municipality in Denmark with a population of 217.075 (2020). The largest city in the municipality is Aalborg with 117.351 inhabitants.

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Art-Forum: Logo Aalborg University

Aalborg Universitet

The Centre for Mobilities & Urban Studies (C-MUS)  is a transdisciplinary research collaboration between mobility researchers from the Humanities Faculty, Social Science Faculty and Engineering, Science and Medicine Faculty at Aalborg University.  In ART-Forum it will provide research support on the impacts of application of automated technology in spatial environments.

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Art-Forum: Logo Auto-Delen is the Flemish Carsharing network. The main goal is to maximise the ecological, social and economic benefits of car-sharing through. The organisation is committed to a sustainable society in which car use becomes more important than car ownership, in which everyone is mobile and in which anyone who needs a car, can use one.

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Bergen Kommune

Bergen is the second largest city in Norway and has approximately 270,000 inhabitants. Bergen continues to strive to make its transport system more sustainable through a multi-faceted approach involving electric mobility, car sharing, automated road transport, mobility management and increasing the modal share of cyclists.

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Art-Forum: Logo Bremerhaven Bus

Verkehrsgesellschaft Bremerhaven

Bremerhaven Bus is the public transport provider in the City of Bremerhaven and  will be able to contribute to qualitative research, provide passenger data as well as insight from an operators perspective.

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Art-Forum: Logo DLR

German Aerospace Center (DLR) – Institute of Transportation Systems

The DLR Institute of Transportation Systems has many years of experience in scientific and applied transport research. They will contribute their expertise in transport modelling with the self-developed and open-source transport simulation software SUMO to the project.

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Art-Forum: Logo DLR

German Aerospace Center (DLR) – Institute of Transport Research

The DLR Institute of Transport Research has many years of experience in scientific and applied transport research. They will contribute their expert knowledge on methods of qualitative transport research, the conversion of results from such workshops into quantifiable parameters and their expertise in transport modelling to the project.

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Art-Forum: Logo Groningen

Provincie Groningen

The Province Groningen sees the theme of ART as an opportuniy to improve the infrastructure, economy and overall quality of life in rural areas in Groningen. Therefore the province is investing in research, experiments and collaborations in smart mobility. Autonomous transport systems are an important part of the innovative solutions the province is testing.

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Art-Forum: Logo Mechelen

Stad Mechelen

Due to Mechelen’s participation in a lot of European projects, the City has built up a significant cross-border network and has significant experience with setting up stakeholder processes on different levels.

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Art-Forum: Logo Mobile Zeiten

Mobile Zeiten

Mobile Zeiten is a transport planning agency located in Oldenburg, Germany.  The organisation is very experienced in implementing innovative projects in the field of automated transport. The thematic priority is integrated public transport and its practical relevance, especially in spatial areas.

Art-Forum: Logo RGU Aberdeen

Robert Gordon University

The Robert Gordon University School of Creative and Cultural Business has extensive experience of producing and transferring knowledge on transport innovation in the rural context.

Art-Forum: Logo Taxistop


Taxistop is a shared mobility pioneer since 1975. Taxistop strives for more efficient mobility by connecting shared mobility to other sustainable transport modes. Taxistop develops concrete innovative solutions and creates public and political awareness.

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Art-Forum: Logo West Yorkshire

West Yorkshire Combined Authority

West Yorkshire Combined Authority work with our local councils and businesses to ensure that everyone in the region benefits from a strong, successful economy and a modern, accessible transport network.

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Art-Forum: Logo Interreg North Sea Region

Interreg – North Sea Region

ART-Forum is a project co-funded by the North Sea Region Programme.

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